Thursday 12 September 2013

Vancouver sunsets

Vancouver is a typical North American metropolis, with its high rise buildings, its shopping malls, its grid street plan (including numbered avenues), and its array of restaurants ranging from fast food chains to insanely expensive haute cuisine.

What's not so typical about Vancouver is that it's surrounded by the Canadian Rocky Mountains on one side and the Pacific ocean on the other. It sits in this comfortable little bowl that makes the climate comfortable (warm and wet, to Canadian standards) and the views magnificent. More specifically; from almost any major street in the city you'll be able to see the North Shore Mountains and/or the Strait of Georgia. The city has about ten beaches from which the sunset views are beautiful. One of which is three blocks from my house.

Now I wasn't  raised in a really mountainous area (yeah, Holland is pretty flat) so the mountains here keep taking my breath away, especially at sunset. The weather here has been holding up really well this last week so I've been lucky enough to have seen some pretty spectacular sunset views that combine the beautiful calm waters with some amazing green islands and mountains.

My roommate keeps telling me that it won't be too long until the clouds and the rain completely take over and we won't be able to see anything for a good five months. Ah well, better enjoy it while it lasts. Wait, why am I inside?

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